
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Can you strengthen your willpower? A study from Psychological Science

How Can You Power Up
Your Willpower?
Your willpower is just one thing that Lumosity can indirectly influence.
"Willpower" is a useful term for helping us grasp an intangible concept, but unlike physical power, willpower isn't something one can actually exercise. Or is it?
A recent study published in Psychological Science demonstrated that daily brain training can help strengthen willpower and promote healthy lifestyle choices. Using challenging working memory exercises similar to Lumosity's Memory Matrix and Monster Garden, researchers from the University of Amsterdam were able to lower the drinking rates of problem drinkers.
Participants in this study—all problem drinkers who had trouble controlling their impulses to drink alcohol—were split into a training group and a control group. The training group had 25 daily sessions of challenging working memory tasks, while the control group trained with the easiest levels of those tasks. Not only did the training group improve memory capacity and drink less than the control group, but these effects were still visible one month after the study ended.
This study provides valuable insight into how cognitive training can help people control impulses and make healthier life choices. With further research, it may even be possible to investigate whether training can help people stick to their diets or save money, for example. It's exciting to see evidence that suggests that training with exercises like those on Lumosity can help keep both your brain and body fit in the long term. Train with all 35+ games and you may be surprised by how much you improve in myriad ways!

Empower My Life
Learn more on the Lumosity blog.
Getting Steadily SmarterDonna uses Lumosity daily to slowly improve memory.
My speech therapist recommended Lumosity, and it's been huge in my life this last year. Lumosity and a great support system have gradually increased all my brain functions. Thanks to Lumosity, my reaction time and logic reasoning results are improving. I thank Lumosity for the training to sharpen my skills.

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