
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gentle Warrior Be Encouraged”

Date: 10/20/2011
““ The Words ‘Gentle and warrior’ may seem to contradict each other ‘but’ in the realm of the saints it is an affirming war cry to a victorious end to an unwarranted battl

I just felt you in the spirit this morning stronger than usual. Of course we know when you carry a friend in your spirit with Christian love and Prophetic prayer you walk around with them; they become an extension of you. They are in possession of an inaudible prayer which is placed upon their head at all times. BUT this morning I have the unction to reach out to you and tell you that you are an exceptional person. Whatever positions you own “you are” an exceptional woman/man of God. Whether you are a wife/ husband, mother/ father, sister/brother you are exceptional and indeed you have been an exceptional friend. I want you to know that your kindness, mannerisms and ethics are not taken for granted by God or by mankind. Please know that I speak not only from my heart but from my spirit and not only for me but from others that have the same sentiments toward you but take it for granted that their admiration and love for you needs no verbal accolades.

My prayer today is that you continue to fight on “gentle warrior”. I know the words gentle and warrior may seem to contradict each other ‘but’ in the realm of the saints it is an affirming war cry to a victorious end to an unwarranted battle. Know God is STILL right beside you and since His word says he will never leave you He has not. You are STILL a noble testimony by being STILL on this earth STILL with a sound mind. And though your physical health is not all to be desired “at this time” it is STILL far better than countless others; and praises to God your faith… Your Faith …YOUR FAITH in God is STILL unequaled in its strength and FAR EXCEEDS your offsets. Be encouraged daughter/ son of the Most High King, keep believing!
(Hebrews 13:5; Isaiah 40:31)

God bless you
Agape Love,
Prophetess Sandra Dukes- Your sister and your friend in Christ Jesus 

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